Replika Mustang 1969 yang Seluruhnya Terbuat dari Kertas


Replica: The entire 1969 Mustang coupe has been made from paper, including the spark plugs, nuts and bolts, and radiator

Seorang artis asal Brooklyn, Jonathan Brand, telah membangun sebuah replika Mustang 1969 sesuai ukuran aslinya dengan hanya menggunakan kertas.
Pria berusia 31 tahun tersebut membuat cetak biru digital dari mobil tersebut dan kemudian mencetaknya pada printer inkjet. Komponen yang berbeda dipotong dan dilipat untuk membuat setiap bagian dari mobil, sampai mur dan baut.

Experience: Brooklyn artist Jonathan Brand has rebuilt three real vintage cars, including a Ford Mustang

Dan pada akhirnya, hasil seni ini tidak dirakit menjadi suatu kendaraan utuh, namun tetap sebagai bagian seni yang terpisah.
HAsil karya tersebut akan dipajang di sebuah pameran berjudul 'One Piece at a Time' di Galeri Hosfelt di New York City.

Car door: The whole car has been replicated in great detail. It was inspired by a vintage Mustang that Mr Brand rebuilt

Car door: The whole car has been replicated in great detail. It was inspired by a vintage Mustang that Mr Brand rebuilt

Tyres: Mr Brand printed the car pieces on an inkjet printer and then folded and glued them together

In gear: Mr Brand's grandfather worked on a car assembly line in Detroit and his uncle and cousins are mechanics

Wheels: The car will not be fully assembled so that the individual parts can be properly appreciated

On paper: The different components were cut out and folded to make every single part of the car
On paper: The different components were cut out and folded to make every single part of the car

Take a seat: The car will not be driving anywhere because it is made completely from paper

Horse power: The engine of the Mustange coupe has been meticulously reproduced using nothing but paper

On display: The replica car pieces are being exhibited at the Hosfelt Gallery in New York until October 29

How it should look: Mr Brand owned a 1969 Ford Mustang until he sold it to pay for a diamond engagement ring

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