Foto Unik Panen Buah Cranberry Tahunan di Wisconsin

Panen buah cranberry di Wisconsin dimulai pada hari selasa. Dan meskipun sempat dilanda badai, hawa panas, dan salju, panen pada tahun ini berada di atas rata-rata.
Menariknya, para pengunjung dari seluruh dunia belahan dunia datang ke Wisconsin untuk ikut dalam panen buah cranberry. Bahkan ada sekumpulan atlet elit dari China yang hadir tahun ini di Danau Elm dekat Wisconsin Rapids.

All you need is love of cranberries: Wisconsin produces more than half of the world's supply of the hardy fruit

A whole lotta rakin' going on: Harvesters gather up the cranberries and bring them to the surface at the Bassuener Cranberry Marsh and Urban Processing facility in Wisconsin Rapids before they are collected by a mechanical harvester


A sea of red: A worker surrounded by millions of berries starts pulling them into shape

It's a lonely job but someone's got to do it: A cranberry grower wades through the collected fruit, admiring this year's yield

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